Friday, June 03, 2005

Almost There

Braden is doing great! We're so happy with his progress. His recovery from his 2 surgeries is moving right along. Also, he's getting better with his bottle feedings and he's slowly gaining more and more weight. He's now eating 50 CCs of formula every 3 hours by bottle. We'd like for him to eat 60 CCs (or 2 ounces) of formula so we're praying for increased appetite!

Annie and Steve just can't wait to get him home. Annie and Steve had to attend a hospital discharge class to prepare them for Braden's release. Also, they became CPR certified. They've already set up his car seat in Annie's car - all they need is that baby!

Thanks for keeping sweet Braden in your prayers. We appreciate all of you so much! Have a safe, happy weekend.

Shortly after Braden's eye surgery, this photo was taken. You can see how red his eyes were. Now, his big brown eyes look great!

Braden and his mom love to sleep!

Here' s Braden on one of his last days in North Hall.

Here's our angel sleeping the day away.

Steve and Braden were hanging out on a sunny afternoon.

PoPo finally got to hold Braden!

Braden's shirt says, "Preemie Prince." And what a prince he is!


Anonymous said...

We will continue to pray for each of you...the time for him to come home will be here quickly! He looks great. Absolutely amazing. Much love--

Anonymous said...

PRECIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.