Thursday, November 01, 2007


We had such a great time last night. Braden and Steve went up and down the streets of our neighborhood and I stayed back to pass out candy. Here are some pictures of the night.

Some of you may know by now that Braden loves a group of girl singers called "The Pussycat Dolls" or as we call them "Hotgirls" . Well some people do not believe us so I took some pictures of my 2 year old watching them. Now Braden does not watch T.V. at all so the fact that he stays glued to them is kinda odd but funny.

Braden got his first pet. Momo and Popo got him a goldfish. Braden named him Flounder. He is very excited about it and it stay at their house so he can be with him all day.


Anonymous said...

What a guy.

Anonymous said...

Oh how funny..."B" I am loving the buzz cut you got going on there fella, I did Kellars awhile back and it made it grow back a little thicker...

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.