I think that we need to start with the best news we've had in a long time. We had Braden's CT-Scan Thursday and the results were great! Braden's surgeon, Dr. Weprin told us that results from this scan were extremely better than any from the past. The shunt is doing it's job and the brain is developing normally. There is some still some minor scar tissue, but he did not seem overly concerned with it. Dr.Weprin was elated and couldn't wait to tell us the news. He seemed almost as pleased as we were, although we doubt that is possible, but you could tell it meant a lot to him. This says a lot about him as a Doctor and a person. We will be forever indebted to him and his staff. So thanks for all the prayers and well wishes - THEY WORKED! The power of prayer is truely amazing and we are very blessed!
Oh yeah, and HAPPY EASTER!!!! What a difference this year was. Last year we celebrated Easter at Baylor Hospital and spent most of the day staring at Braden through plastic. NOT this year. Braden started his Easter weekend with a day out with mom and dad. We went to McKinney Trade Days and had so much fun. Braden slept for most of that but we still had a good time just walking around and enjoying the morning. After that we ran some errands including Braden's first trip to HOME DEPOT. We bought some stuff for the yard and for the grill for our Easter cook out. Steve then took Braden and me to Jason's Deli for lunch. WOW Braden ate so much. He had a little bit of everything and enjoyed it all. I think his tummy hurt just a little bit but he took a good nap after all that food. Aunt Clara came by for a sleep over with Braden, so that Steve and I could get prepared for Sunday.
On Easter, MoMo and PoPo were the first to arrive. We had to get the yard prepared for the kid's Egg and Scavenger hunt. Grandma Lynda soon arrived followed by the Havis family and uncle Leroy. The kids had a great time. It was really fun to see them out side and enjoyng the sun. After the hunt it was time to start cooking. The guys fired up the grill and the food went on. We had SOOOOOOOOOO much food - steaks, chicken, sausage, hot dogs, hot links, beef ribs, potato salad, corn on the cob, and a wonderful spinach dip that Connie made. We all ate so much that everyone was pretty much useless after that.
After we settled in it was time for MoMo to give Braden his first hair cut. We had been putting it off, but his fly away curls were getting out of hand on the sides. So we wet the hair gave him a cookie and MoMo got the the scissors. He did ok for a few minutes until he realized that someone was messing with him. But he got a trim and we were able to save his first locks.
More good news (kindof?) - Braden cut his first two teeth. His bottom middle teeth are just starting to peek though. He gets uncomfortable at times, but has done well with it. So watch out, if you feed him you might get a bite. Braden is also standing more by himself and crawling everywhere. So we finally are starting to feel like we can take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy having a baby in the house. Thanks for continuing to share our experiences and we plan on having many, many more - so feel free to join us or check back in at any time!! We will post pictures soon.