Monday, September 26, 2005


Braden's day at the hospital went well. First thing they did was weigh him, 13lbs 9ozs. They checked his blood pressure and asked a lot of questions, then just told us what to expect for tomorrow. Finally they drew blood. Braden screamed for a few minutes then in an instant was over it. After that all he wanted to do was eat and then sleep.

Surgery is set for 12:30pm tomorrow (Tuesday). They are hoping to get us in earlier, we have to be there at 10:30am. Of course they could be running behind as well. We'll stay at least 1 night at Children's and then just see how it goes from there. Braden is busy resting up now, he can't have formula past 4am and can't have any clear liquids or anything past 8am. It will be a challenging morning. Thanks and we'll be posting as soon as possible with the results.

Steve, Annie, & Braden


Anonymous said...
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Bungers said...

Some businesses are "spamming" public blogs and posting links to their commercial sites - many of them inappropriate. Therefore, if you see that a comment has been deleted, it was an ad or link to a commercial site.

Anonymous said...

Some people will do anything to make a buck! How sad. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

get well and hurry home
gammy,pawpaw and the boys

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.