Wednesday, June 08, 2005

100 Days Old!

Today Braden is 100 days old! Can you believe it??!! If Annie had carried him to full term, she would be at 38 weeks of gestation. So Braden is roughly the size of a newborn now...only he's 14 weeks old. On Monday he got his first round of immunization shots and he is scheduled to have his circumcision soon. We're definitely getting close to having him come home!

Tuesdays are the nights Braden and I get to hang out. It's just us and I have all the time to myself. I love having this special day just for him and me. Truth be told, when my mom goes, nobody gets time with him. MoMo takes up all the time with her grandbabies. So Tuesday nights are my favorites!

When I got there last night, he was naked! They were just about to weight him. He's now 6 pounds 9 ounces and is 18.5 inches long. Then it was time to eat. I fed him and it took Braden about 45 minutes to eat almost 2 ounces of formula. But he sucked the bottle dry...we have an eater on our hands!

After dinner, I changed his clothes and got him ready for the bouncy seat. When I placed him into the seat, he was very confused. I turned on the music and the lights and his eyes grew very wide. He wasn't quite sure what to make of that thing. Then I realized there was a button to make the chair vibrate. As soon as the vibrating started, he was immediately relaxed! I took some photos of him last night and I couldn't wait to share them with you.

Again, we all thank you for stopping by here to check on Braden. Thanks for keeping him in your prayers. He's living proof that prayer works. Have a blessed day!

This is Braden's little leg in my small hand.

Braden and I played peek-a-boo behind his mittens.

This huge yawn was one of many after dinner.

Braden was listening as I read to him.

At first, that bouncy seat freaked him out!

But as soon as the vibrations started, he chilled out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.