Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Another Good Day

Braden is having another good day. We feel so blessed to have some good news coming from his doctors and nurses. We thank you for keeping him in your prayers - they are working! We know that the NICU is a roller coaster - we will have our ups and downs. Thankfully, we are at an up right now and we just want to enjoy it! These ups make the downs tolerable.

I am amazed by Braden's growth over the last 2 months. Annie was only 24 weeks pregnant when she delivered - which means that Braden is now at 32 weeks of gestational development. I would have loved for Annie to stay pregnant longer. But I must say that watching Braden grown right in front of us has been a remarkable experience. I know it's tough for him and the stess is unimaginable. But what we've learned and the way our faith has grown is unmeasurable. I just can't wait to get him home!

The other day, someone asked me if this whole experience has scared me from having kids. A few weeks ago, my answer would have been a resounding YES! But honestly, I have to say that it doesn't scare me at all anymore. I saw what my sister, Connie, and her husband, Chris, went through when their oldest son, Jackson, was born. Jackson had meconium aspiration and was immediately placed on an ECMO machine in Lubbock, TX. We were told he had a very small chance of surviving and if he did survive, he would have severe disabilities. But Jackson is now a sweet, intelligent, athletic 8-year-old who can steal your heart with one smile. I have seen Annie and Steve go through the same patters as Connie and Chris did. The four of them have shown courage and strength - even when they felt they could not make it even one more day. They have taken a tough medical situation and tackled it with faith and love.

Also, I can see just how much of my mother's powerful faith is in Annie and Connie. My mom is just the kind of mom that Connie and Annie are now - and that is a blessing. Her loving, faithful, maternal influence is flowing through them and that must feel incredible. If I ever do get married, I will be more than happy to have children...which is not what I would have said a few weeks ago. My mom is only one person, but her influence is far more powerful than people think.

Thank you for all the nice comments and e-mails that have been posted here. It's so nice to hear your words of encouragement. I can't wait until Braden is old enough to read all of this and learn about the wondeful people who checked in on him and prayed for him. I'm sure he'll be eager to pray for all of you as well. Have a blessed day and thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

After hearing about Braden's story from a friend, I have been following his progress for about a month now. I get so excited when I read about all the good news. I just knew when I logged on today there would be something positive. Braden, hang in there little buddy. Keep getting better and you'll be home in no time. And to the parents, you two hang in there as well. It's tough right now, but I am confident it will all work out. God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I am sure that you would make a wonderful mother someday. I know just by the way you show your love for Braden. How blessed will that child or children be to have you as a mother. You are TOPS!
Greetings from NM

Anonymous said...

does this mean that aunt clara is single. yeee-haaawww!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

Let's get Aunt Clara hooked up!!

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.