Saturday, April 23, 2005

Big Boy Braden !!

Well, we have lots of good news to report. Yesterday on 4-23-05, Braden was doing so well, he was able to be taken off his ventilator. For those of you who have kept up with his story, you will remember he was taken off a couple of weeks ago, only to be returned the next day. This time it looks permanent. He has been breathing great on his own, only having the CPAP in his nose for extra support when needed.

Braden's condition has been so good, I (Steve - I just realized I am typing and you don't know who "I" am) got to hold him again for my second time. I held him on my chest for a little over an hour and he just ate it up. Braden has had all of his IVs removed, so he had very little restricting him. It was another great experience for us both. Braden weighed in at 3lbs 5 ozs as of last night. He is holding his weight well. They continue to up his feeds and he responds great. Braden is literally growing in front of our eyes. If you miss even two days in a row from visiting, you will notice lots of changes. He is so alert now, today he moved his neck from one side to the other on his own. He also will fixate his eyes on you more and we caught him following Annie with his eyes when she got up and moved from in front of him. These are all great signs and we are very excited. Also, I wanted to add that Braden already has his first piece of art work. Since he likes to grip things so much - wires and fingers mostly - we decided to put a pen in his hand. We held up a notepad and he scribbled away. Not bad, bet not many people have heard of a baby that should still be in his mother's stomach, not quite 32 weeks gestation, already drawing pictures. We might have the next Picasso on our hands.

Thanks again to everyone who is following Braden's journey. We received a nice card from Patti Gill from Coppell, TX whom we have never even met. She wrote that she had been following Braden's progress and sent us a gift card to a local restaurant. These stories are very inspiring for us and we are grateful. Thanks for stopping by and we hope to have some new pictures posted on Monday. Steve & Annie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Bunger's here in Austin are praying for and following Braden's progress. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we're praying for progression, even the baby steps :)
Crystal and Brett Bunger

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.