Monday, March 07, 2005

1 Week Old Today

A message from Annie:

I am home now and feeling better. I never knew what a love like this would feel like. Of course, I love Steve to death. But having a child has made me feel a different kind of love. It is a love that makes me feel like anything is possible. My friend, Kim Mankin, says it best, "You can mess with me, but mess with my kid and we will have problems." I now know what she means. Everything that I have ever felt went out the door and my life is wrapped up in that little boy. I cannot wait to show him off everyday! Being a mom makes you an unselfish person and makes you see that you have a larger purpose in life, and mine is my son.

I do miss the everyday contact with my friends. But the tremendous support they have given me has actually made me feel closer to them. I feel like I have not missed out on a thing. I am going to be home for a while. I have a doctor's appointment on March 17 and I hope to be back at work soon after that. I want to save as much time as possible so that when Braden is able to come home, I can enjoy every second! Thanks to all of you for everything. Steve and I are going to come out of this experience better people with a greater purpose. We will have a better understanding of unconditional love, compassion and support of family and friends. All of which we can teach our son.

I called Braden this morning and his nurse said he had a great night. They took him off the high blood pressure medicine which is great news! Also, his oxygen level is down to 20% which means that he's doing more of his breathing with his own little lungs. He is 1 week old today and the fact that he's doing well makes us all feel so blessed.

If you would like to contact Steve and me, please call our cell phone at 972.523.2968.

God Bless,
Annie Bunger


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Maybe not today but soon you will realize just how very fortunate you are to be born into such a wonderful family. Your mom is going to be such a great mom, I just can't wait to see her in action. Your dad is really a great dad too. You have amazing grandparents, aunts and uncles and many friends already. I can't wait to see you when you come home. We all know you are certainly a miracle from God. You are a very loved baby.

Anonymous said...

Oh Annie,
Your words brought me to tears today. It reminds me of a quote.
"You will love your baby with such a fierce single-mindedness that being someone’s mother is the only endeavor on earth that you will be certain nature fully intended you for."-Vicki Iovine
I love how positive you are about this seemingly difficult experience. And Braden will reap the rewards of your uplifting attitude. Stay strong.

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.