Monday, March 14, 2005

2 Weeks Old Today!

I can hardly believe that Braden is 2 weeks old today. He has really grown and each day is a blessing with him.

On Sunday, Annie was able to change his pamper and take his temperature. As you read in Steve posting, Annie also got to hold Braden on Sunday afternoon. She was desperate to touch him and hold him. The longing to touch and bond was painfully overwhelming for her. But after 13 days, she finally got to hold him for the first time. She held him for an hour and he was so still and peaceful. Braden is definitely a mover and shaker, so it was surprising to see him so still. I know that it was tremendously moving for Annie. And now we are just hoping that Steve will get the opportunity soon.

My mom, known as MoMo to her grandkids, was able to touch his little arm. If you know MoMo, you know that she is a pincher. She can't help but give a gentle squeeze to her grandkids. And she finally got that urge satisfied. We thought she was going to explode from excitement!

In early February, Annie and Steve found out they would be having a son. Belinda Hawkins, a coworker of Annie's, told her that there is no bond quite like a mother and son. How true! God blessed Annie and Steve with this warm, sweet boy. He's fresh from heaven and you just can't help but smile when you see him.

As far as medical updates go, we have more good news. Braden is getting formula through a tube in his mouth every 4 hours. He seems to be responding well to the formula. He is weighing in at 1 pound 13 ounces! Right now his oxygen levels are at about 35%. That's a bit higher than we'd like. We are praying that his little lungs will continue to gain strength so that he can breathe more on his own.

Braden's great-grandfather sent him a rosary and it now sits in his incubator. Steve got a great photo of Braden with his eyes open just a bit and the cross of the rosary on his chest. We thought we'd share this photo with you.

Again, we send thanks for all the prayers. Braden is just one example of the power or prayer. We ask that you continue to pray for Braden and we thank you for stopping by here to check on him.


Anonymous said...

that child is very blessed. God has given your family a great gift.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Braden.

I have been in contact with the founder of the Dallas Chapter of Newborns in Need and will see what kind of contact I can make (or start) with an organization here in Memphis. He is a little young for a needlepoint belt, but we will see about getting some premmie sized blankets and clothes worked up and sent down. It is so heart warming to hear from so many people that are involved and concerned.

Love to all,

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.