Sunday, March 13, 2005

Kangaroo Care - Braden's Day Out !!!

Well, first off I am a little jealous. While at work yesterday, I find out my wife, Annie, got to hold Braden for the first time. This is a treatment with preemies called Kangaroo Care. I will post some info I tracked down from the Internet: Kangaroo care is the practice of holding your diapered baby on your bare chest (if you’re the father) or between your breasts (if you’re the mother), letting the baby listen to your heart beat, with a blanket draped over your baby’s back. This skin-to-skin contact benefits both you and your baby. Kangaroo care is safe and beneficial, even if your baby is connected to machines. Whatever your situation, this is a precious way to be close to your baby. Well, I can report that Braden loved it...he laid there so still and his heart rate lowered and his breathing was smoother. I know it helps, both baby and mother. I can't wait until it is my turn!!

Braden is doing well...His little incubator is decorated in St. Patricks Day theme at present and he has his Dexter Coakley - Dallas Cowboy autograph hanging up as well. Braden just got his first Dallas Mavericks jersey. I'm sure he will grow into before we know it. We have some new pictures we are trying to get posted of Braden in his newly stitched cap and booties - so be sure to keep checking back. Nothing but positives to report - Braden had another good night. Just growing before our eyes...he is quickly approaching the 2 pound mark. For those of you who know us well, we will probably have a party to celebrate - we'll let you know - everyone will be invited as usual. Will close for now and get back to work. Thanks for taking time to visit and check up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry steve that you did not a get a chance to hold him but you will have plenty of time for that in the future. glad to hear all is well and how exciting for Annie.....

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.