Friday, March 11, 2005

Late Entry

Please forgive my late blog entry. I was sky diving in Austin and I just got back into town.

Braden had a bumpy day. The doctor noticed that Braden was having a bad reaction to the formula. So they stopped feeding him on Thursday night and put him back on IV fluids through his right foot. They did an x-ray today and his stomach and intestines looked great. The doctors will try to feed him formula again sometime on Saturday. Because of this bad reaction to the formula, they had to replenish his blood and he received donated blood. The blood is sent through his body by an IV in his left foot. His left arm also has an IV in order to draw blood when needed. Also, they raised his oxygen and vent levels.

Enough of the bad news. Here's the good stuff! Braden is no longer under the "heat lamp." They removed the small mask and he now has a cute blanket on top of his incubator. We can now see his precious face. Also, he is weighing in at a whopping 1 pound 11 ounces. Oh! We have poop! He had his first bowel movement on Friday afternoon all by himself! No drugs were needed!

We had a bumpy day, but the beauty of it was that he came out feeling great! When we went to the hospital late tonight, Connie, MoMo and I finally got to see those eyes of his. He opened them briefly just to say goodnight. And I must say, that boy looks exactly like Steve.

Right now the exterior of his incubator is fully decorated for St. Patrick's Day. We hope to get a photo soon to share with everyone. We thank you again for all your prayers and we humbly ask you to continue praying for our little guy.


Anonymous said...

A poop with no medication?? That is a miracle...Braden, got any suggestions for this old timer?? Wish you all well and best of luck! You hang in there Baby Boy Bunger!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Brandon wants formula, he'd probably prefer some of Momo's tamales!

Anonymous said...

Steve- that little boy looks just like you! Every little detail in his face comes directly from you.

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.