Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Three FAQs

Thank you for stopping by to check on Braden. I've been getting a lot of e-mails with the same 3 questions. So I decided to post them here.

1. When will Braden be going home?
Braden will have to pass a series of medical exams before being released. He will have to be on formula and have bowel movements. He will have to be completely off the ventilator. His blood pressure, internal organs, skin, body movement, etc. will be evaluated and if everything is good, he will be released. There is not a set weight that he must be in order to be released. Although gaining weight will definitely help. But truly, it simply depends on his development. A good estimate is late May - early June.

2. When is Annie's baby shower?
Annie and Steve have decided to have a big party once Braden is released. That will be his welcome home party and Annie's baby shower all wrapped into one. Annie and Steve have not registered for baby gifts yet, but they should be doing that soon. The shower/party will be suitable for the whole family and it will definitely be a huge celebration!

3. What can I do to help?
Pray! That is really what we need most. We love that everyone has been so loving and compassionate during this experience. We appreciate all the prayers and positive thoughts. And we kindly ask for more! :o)

My dear friend, Susan Kedroski, sent me a quote and I wanted to pass it along. Susan, thanks for sharing it; that quote is extremely inspirational.

"This little soul really wants to be here, so it’s meant to be."-Susan Sarandon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until that party..Sounds like one hell of a bash!!! Should I bring diapers and/or beer?? -DR

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.