Tuesday, March 01, 2005

First Picture!

Braden is doing great so far! He's got a lot of people praying for him and we all know the unmistakable power of prayer.

Right now, only Annie, Steve, and 6 others can go in to see Braden. I wish he were in an area where others could see him from a window. But with him being under a watchful eye 24 hours a day, that's just not possible right now.

Luckily, I am one of the 6 that gets the honor of seeing that precious child. I could stand there for hours and watch him. He's just that amazing! His health is good so far. Babies are given an Apgar test to determine the baby's heart rate, breathing, activity/muscle tone, grimace response and appearance. A score of 10 on the Apgar test is the best. Braden scored a high 7 - almost an 8! Preemies usually score much lower, so I think we have a miracle baby on our hands!

I've attached my first picture with Braden. He was 1 day old. We laughed when this photo was taken because you can actually tell that I had only 40 minutes of sleep over that entire 48 hour period. We were all a little ragged...too bad mine was caught on film.


Anonymous said...

Who's that smokin' hot Aunt Clara?
Braden's lucky to have such a tech savvy aunt. What a cool way for us to follow his progress.

Anonymous said...

For not having much sleep, you look stunning! And you maintain your ability to write with such lucidity. You are such a dedicated Aunt. Braden is blessed to have such a loving family! Please know that my prayers are consistently with you and your family.

- Your Dallas Guy

The story of a micro preemie who is beating the odds.